Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR), University of Cambridge

The Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) is a cross-departmental institute, within the University of Cambridge Clinical School, that is housed in the Wellcome Trust/MRC Building on the Addenbrooke's Hospital Site of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

It provides a unique interface between basic and clinical science that underpins its high level objective of determining and understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease.  Currently, CIMR comprises approximately 250 scientists, about a quarter of whom are graduate students.  They are organised into around 40 research groups each led by a Principal Investigator (PI) who, along with their group members, is also a member of one of seven home University departments (Medicine, Pathology, Medical Genetics, Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology or Clinical Neurosciences).

Since the establishment of CIMR in 1998, we have aimed to maintain a healthy proportion (around 40%) of PIs who are medically qualified and clinically active. We have also encouraged collaboration amongst our scientists and it is commonplace for these collaborations to be cross-departmental.  There are excellent scientific facilities in CIMR including bioinformatics, genotyping/sequencing, flow cytometry and imaging as well as access to the proteomics facilities in the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit housed in the same building.

CIMR receives core support from the Wellcome Trust in the form of a strategic initiative award.  The Wellcome Trust is the major source of funding for the individual research groups with approximately 70% of grant income coming from the Wellcome Trust and close to 20% from the MRC.

CIMR is advised by an International Scientific Advisory Board which visits the Institute and attends its Research Retreat every second year.

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